Our software customizes the Test Prep experience for each one of our students. The software starts by analyzing a practice test for the types of mistakes that a student is prone to making. For example, one student may be a whiz with misplaced modifiers, but struggle with trigonometry problems. After identifying weaknesses in certain topics, the software also analyzes the student's level of mastery. Maybe all of the easiest trig problems are a breeze, and it's just those difficult ones that are tricky. Based on this analysis, the software can reach into its massive database of practice questions and create a custom list of ACT or New SAT questions that are specifically hard trig problems.
The software helps our students to "work smart," not just to work hard.
The software also helps instructors to categorize "careless mistakes" as different from "content based error" or "complex questions." This type of categorization -- and the ability to see what a student's score would have been without careless errors -- encourages students to increase their focus.
The system also allows students to indicate that they guessed on a problem by bubbling in a special column on their testing sheet. So even if they guess accurately, the instructor will still know to review the problem.