Educational Resources During Self-Isolation

With schools closed and many of us being asked to self-isolate, families are scrambling to find educational and creative resources to keep adolescents engaged— and to maintain sanity for the entire family. The great news is that there are hundreds of sites dedicated to helping people of all ages learn and develop skills! And many premium or paid sites are actually offering their resources for free.

We asked the entire LogicPrep team (plus some of our LogicPrep families) to tell us what they’re doing during self-isolation and compiled a list for you below.


Educational Resources

Ivy League Online Courses - free online Ivy League courses

NYPL - resources for students and parents and general access to digital collections (you can sign up for a library card remotely using SimplyE).

EdX - access 2500+ Online Courses from 140 Top Institutions

Coursera - courses, certificates, and degrees online from world-class universities and companies

Stanford's CS106A Computer Science Course - a group of computer science instructors is coming together to offer our teaching services free of charge for people who want to learn introductory coding, subject to availability. Starts April 13, no programming experience required. Apply by April 8. Note from Grace: I know a lot of Humanities and Social Sciences-focused students have switched to majoring in CS after taking this class (aka, the content is quite accessible and interesting for many types of students).

Yale Open Courses - free and open access to a selection of introductory courses taught by distinguished teachers and scholars at Yale University

MIT OpenCourseWare - web-based publication of virtually all MIT course content

Audible - a free collection of online books for kids 0-18

TheGreatCourses - engaging, immersive learning experiences you can’t get in a lecture hall

Brilliant - build quantitative skills in math, science, and computer science with fun and challenging interactive explorations

Writing Our Way Through - online resource for poetry lessons that parents can do with their kids at home (mostly aimed at younger students)

NYT Learning Network - resources for writers

Cambridge University Press - recently made 700 textbooks available for free online

Duolingo - learn a language for free

Masterclass - watch hundreds of lessons from the best as they share their stories, skills, shortcuts, failures, and successes

Noisli - a free service where you can customize your own white noise/background noise (i.e. to tune out anything else that’s going on at home)

New York Times Webinars - a series of webinars on teaching and learning with Times resources and their own collection of activities for students

Intelligence Squared Debates - a series of debates in the traditional Oxford-style debate format, with one side proposing and the other side opposing a sharply-framed motion

Brooklyn Public Library’s Virtual Storytime - join in for stories, songs, and tips for children to acquire literacy (younger children)

Pangea - matching college students with remote work opportunities, this is an awesome way to occupy summer 

Online engineering programs via Stanford, Tufts, Syracuse, iD Tech, & FurtureLearn

LogicPrep’s Favorite Books - browse past blog posts featuring our favorite reads!

Personal Interest & Activity Resources

Mindful Mondays - A completely free of cost, 8-week online/at-home retreat (from our College Advisor Meghan!) featuring mindfulness exercises, movement, and talks designed to keep you grounded, healthy, and vibrant during the COVID-19 crisis. New content released each Monday but for your use at any time.

Brit+Co - Their mission is to inspire, educate and entertain women with a creative spirit. All online classes are free through March 31 with code SELFCARE. Classes cover a range of topics from investing to chalk illustration to cake decorating!

America's Test Kitchen for kids - recipes & activities geared toward younger students

Shaw Academy free graphic design course

DLC - 15 of the best online graphic design courses

Google Arts & Culture - explore museums, places, and more

Many yoga & fitness instructors are streaming classes and/or posting workout ideas for kids and parents to do from home. Some that our team is connected with/aware of!

Adults & Crafts - crafting kits for all ages (geared toward adults). Through April 30th, they are offering a 15% discount off all our DIY craft kits plus a lifetime 15% off our monthly craft subscription box with code BECRAFTY.

Creative Live - develop your creative classes with one of their many classes

Simple Habit Meditation - a 5-minute meditation app designed to help busy people stress less, achieve more, and live better

Talkspace - therapy for all

Visit the Zoo - a list of soothing live animal webcams to watch while you’re stuck at home compiled by The Verge

Visit the Aquarium - with ten live cams to choose from, you can experience the wonder of the ocean no matter where you are

National Geographic’s Inspiring No-Travel Experiences - enjoy these five seasonal adventures you can enjoy wherever you are

Social Distancing Festival - a site for celebrating art from all over the world, showcasing amazing talent, and coming together as a community

For Socializing (at a distance)

FaceTime – allows 32 people to join 

House Party – play games and interact with groups up to 8 

Netflix Party - stream Netflix movies with friends virtually

Group Jigsaw Puzzles - get your friends together to solve a jigsaw puzzle online

For Parents

Distance Learning Solutions to Mitigate COVID-19 - UNESCO

How to give your kids stability when Coronavirus closes school - Quartz

How to talk to your children about Coronavirus - UNICEF

What if Coronavirus means your kids are stuck at home? - The Cut

How working parents can prepare for coronavirus closures - Harvard Business Review

For Educators

Navigating Uncertain Times: How schools can cope with Coronavirus - Edsurge

Preparing for distance learning due to school closures - Newsela

Keep calm and trust in edtech: tools for teachers - Education Technology

Teach students to wash hands properly with this dance challenge! - BBC Bitesize

Do you have additional resources that you’d like to share? Comment below!