The course selection process can be tedious, especially if you are uncertain as to what will look best on your transcript. Our team shares insights on how to choose the courses that highlight your academic strengths!
4 Tips for Getting Organized this School Year
I still remember my first semester transition to college, where it simply did not seem possible to complete all the work that was assigned to me. Luckily, I got in touch with an organizational coach who completely changed my relationship with my work and learning using strategies I still use today. Here are my top 4 tips:
Finding the Goldilocks School
It’s autumn in New York and parents are stressing about the same themes they do every year: “I have to find the right kindergarten, middle school, high school, or college for my child"—as if that choice will impact the child for the rest of their lives… but is there even a "right" choice to be made?
Tips for Succeeding on the Spanish Subject Test
Why You Should Be Taking Computer Science Courses
LogicPrep in Real Simple: 6 Questions to Ask When Your Child Brings Home a Disappointing Report Card
There are few things more disappointing than thinking your child is doing well in school and then realizing they're really not. But don't panic! Our Director of Academic Advisor Eli recently spoke with Laura Asmundsson of Real Simple about getting your child's grades back on track.