2016 Summer Reading Recommendations

Each year, we ask our team to put together a list of the best books to read for the summer. Check out what they had to say!


Adam O

The Goldfinch by Donna Tartt -- A compelling ride through the early adulthood of a young man who comes into possession of a priceless work of art, and immediately hides it from the world. The author builds a captivating tension around when and how the truth will come to light, heightened by the many characters who come to play unwitting roles in his secret drama. 

David Z

In the Land of Invented Languages: Adventures in Linguistic Creativity, Madness, and Genius by Arika Okrent -- A fascinating history about all sorts of different people who have aimed to create new languages from scratch. You don't have to love grammar or learning foreign languages to get swept up in the utopian ideals and geeky madness of creating a language like Esperanto or Klingon out of nothing. Very fun read! 

Jane P

Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes -- It's a long, but engrossing tale of travel and madness that appeals to a wide variety of readers. The main characters, Don Quixote and Sancho Panza, have become iconic for their wild imaginations and far-fetched adventures. Don Quixote has continued to make readers laugh out loud for over 400 years. It's a must read.

Jeff K

Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World by Haruki Murakami -- Blends two seemingly unrelated narratives into one thought-provoking and mysterious work of art. Half detective novel and half existential dreamscape, the book follows an unnamed "Calcutec" working in Tokyo's information security sector; after encrypting data for an eccentric scientists, he dodges information pirates in the city's sewers and subway tracks. Meanwhile, a surreal tale of amnesia and disorientation unfolds as a man struggles to discover the nature of the walled-in town that he cannot escape."

Jesse K

Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell -- One of my favorites, along with The Tipping PointOutliers examines why extremely successful people are able to achieve such greatness. Bonus: he has actually written packages featured on the ACT. 

John D

Without You There is No Us by Suki Kim -- It's a memoir about a reporter's time in North Korea secretly teaching at a prestigious university. It is a mindblowing expose into the lives of everyday citizens in the DPRK.

Lindsay T

The Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll -- A smart, well-plotted page turner about identity and reinvention, and how the past can have an unexpected and important effect on the present. If you loved "Gone Girl," this book will be right up your alley. It's suspenseful and poignant, gripping and thought provoking. I couldn't put it down!  

Rick K

Gratitude by Oliver Sacks -- This book is a collection of essays written by famed and well-loved neurologist Oliver Sacks following his diagnosis of terminal cancer. Despite the dark subject matter, the essays are largely optimistic and evoke a poignant sense of thankfulness, just as the title suggests. A thought-provoking read that may inject new meaning in your day-to-day and help you prioritize what's truly important.

Happy reading from the entire LogicPrep team!