Support LogicPrep's Scholars

At LogicPrep, we know how fortunate we are to have talented tutors and excellent resources to help our students succeed. That’s why we do everything in our power to give back to the community and make a positive impact. One of our most important initiatives is the LogicPrep Scholarship Program. One scholarship covers the entire test preparation and college advising process for qualified students who demonstrate financial need. This past year, we were fortunate to help two students in particular, Ariana and Andrea. Ariana will be attending Columbia and Andrea is off to MIT! However, even after scholarships and financial aid, books and supplies are expensive! To send Ariana and Andrea off, we've created this campaign to raise money for books and a computer for each of them. And LogicPrep will match your donation, dollar-for-dollar! Our goal is to raise a total of $3000, including LogicPrep's match.

At this time last year, Ariana was overwhelmed and afraid of the upcoming college search and application process. She was referred to LogicPrep by Latino U College Access, and when we learned about her rigorous course schedule and commitment to service through Girl Scouts and other organizations, we were quickly moved to help Ariana tap into her tremendous potential. As a first generation college student, Ariana had watched her parents struggle to compete in a workforce favoring employees with a college degree. She knew that through education she would be able to change the trajectory of her life as well as her family’s.

When we first met Ariana, the Ivy League was not even in the realm of her thought. However, after a year of hard work and commitment, Ariana brought her ACT score up dramatically (more than 10 points in some sections!), and went on to achieve tremendous results on the Subject Tests. Academically, Ariana enjoys studying English Literature and Biology, and applied broadly to schools where she would be able to pursue these diverse passions. After being accepted to NYU, Cornell, Columbia, and other amazing universities, Ariana decided to attend Columbia next year. Although unsure of her intended major, Ariana looks forward to exploring various academic areas through the Core Curriculum. 

Outside of school, Ariana devotes much of her time mentoring first generation middle school students. Having been in their shoes just a few years ago, she works to inform students and their families on beneficial strategies for success in high school. She hopes to continue mentoring younger first generation students at Columbia and paying forward all that has been done for her. 

While we typically rely on guidance counselors to refer superstars to the LogicPrep scholarship program, when this student showed up at our office and shared her transcript, Andrea's potential was immediately apparent.

When she was a seven-year-old, Andrea explained, her parents moved her family to the US seeking better opportunities for her and her sister. At the time, she spoke no English. While both her parents were teachers in Peru, coming to the US would mean starting over -- and to this day, relying on their young daughters to navigate everything from paying bills to ordering pizza. One thing that remained constant, however, was her family’s emphasis on education.

With incredible grit and the support of the LP team, this student raised her ACT score 10 points and aced the Math II and Physics Subject Tests. Inspired by her work ethic, our college advising team jumped at the opportunity to guide her through the application process. Mid-December, our office erupted into screams when Andrea called telling us she’d been offered Early Admission to her first choice school, MIT. It was a true team effort, and a dream come true for this incredibly hardworking and talented young woman.

Please consider donating to help Ariana and Andrea prepare for their bright futures!