On Bookstores & Majors

On Bookstores & Majors

What really makes you interested? What subjects actually bring you pleasure? David poses these questions and more when it comes to what book aisle you find yourself wandering in, or what major you decide on choosing!

College Isn't Just About the Academics: The Cornell Experience

College Isn't Just About the Academics: The Cornell Experience

There is a lot going on during your freshmen year in college, and while you can easily get overwhelmed, it’s also important to enjoy yourself! Here are some extracurriculars that Alex took part in that helped mold his first year experience.

Tips for College Move-In Day

Tips for College Move-In Day

It’s almost Labor Day, and if you haven’t begun moving in already, it’s time to start going through your closets, stocking up on supplies and much more. Here are a few tips to help ease your way back to school. 

LogicPrep Welcomes Eight New Instructors

LogicPrep Welcomes Eight New Instructors

We are so excited to announce that our team of exceptional instructors is growing! Starting this month, we're welcoming EIGHT new instructors, and we'd like to introduce them to you.

A Letter to High School Students Who Don't Read

A Letter to High School Students Who Don't Read

Roger, an LP instructor (and concerned citizen), wants to encourage all of you to read! See why he thinks it’s a vital part of your summer — hey, he even lists some books for you to get started.

LogicPrep in Forbes: Mentorship Lessons From Running an Education Company

LogicPrep in Forbes: Mentorship Lessons From Running an Education Company

Read Lindsay's latest feature in Forbes, which talks about the role of mentorship in her life and why fostering supportive, motivating relationships is essential to our students' success!

How Reading Can Help You Overcome Culture Shock

How Reading Can Help You Overcome Culture Shock

Many international students can experience a cultural shock when starting college in the US. That’s why Murilo encourages students to read in order to understand some of the cultural nuances. Here are some books he recommends! 

How to Spend Your Summer: Consider Volunteering Your Time

How to Spend Your Summer: Consider Volunteering Your Time

While it is important to rest before the impending school year, here at LP we have encouraged you to spend your break doing various things! Now here’s another great suggestion from Helen: volunteering for a non-profit organization.