College Advising

How Do Your Social Media Accounts Represent You?

How Do Your Social Media Accounts Represent You?

Social media can be utilized in different ways for different populations. With numerous articles about how colleges are looking at your social media profiles, we've compiled a few ideas to consider when making your first moves as an adult in the world of social media: 

Why Every Student Has a Unique Story to Tell

Why Every Student Has a Unique Story to Tell

There’s no one correct or best way to craft your college essay. While one might think your narrative has to be emotionally weighty or academically impressive, Jane gives us some new perspective on how to look outside yourself.

Seniors: Are You Ready for College Admissions Deadlines?

Seniors: Are You Ready for College Admissions Deadlines?

The fall of Senior year is one of the busiest and most important times for the college application process. With application due dates quickly approaching, be sure you're ahead of the game with these important reminders leading up to the November Early Decision/Early Action deadlines. 

How Hard Are College Classes Really?

How Hard Are College Classes Really?

Your first year of college can be overwhelming. The responsibility of keeping up with homework on your own by checking the course syllabus every day, teaching yourself from the textbook outside of lecture — find how to make the transition from high school classes to college a little easier!

Six Things I Wish I Had Done More of in College

Six Things I Wish I Had Done More of in College

For the Class of 2017, this August brings a particularly fresh and exciting start – the start of their very first year of college.  Gretchen offers some advice that she wishes she could give herself as a college freshman. 

10 Things You Need in Your Dorm

10 Things You Need in Your Dorm

Chances are, you either haven’t put any thought into what to buy for your dorm room, or your parents plan to get you everything you can imagine at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Either way, you will have some things collecting dust on your shelf, and some things you’ve never used before will become your best friends. Here are 10 things you will definitely want to have in your dorm:

The Perfect Story? It Might Not Be What You Think

The Perfect Story? It Might Not Be What You Think

A college essay shouldn’t be a mere rehashing of the impressive thing you did or the harrowing event that happened to you — it should come alive in the way it’s told. Jared shares a few tips for a productive process of crafting an essay!