College roommates can either be your worst enemy or best friend? Right? Wrong. Learn more about Brian’s experience!
How Do Your Social Media Accounts Represent You?
Social media can be utilized in different ways for different populations. With numerous articles about how colleges are looking at your social media profiles, we've compiled a few ideas to consider when making your first moves as an adult in the world of social media:
Why Every Student Has a Unique Story to Tell
Seniors: Are You Ready for College Admissions Deadlines?
Advice to High School Freshmen
How Hard Are College Classes Really?
Six Things I Wish I Had Done More of in College
10 Ways I Could Have Prepared for College More
10 Things You Need in Your Dorm
Chances are, you either haven’t put any thought into what to buy for your dorm room, or your parents plan to get you everything you can imagine at Bed, Bath & Beyond. Either way, you will have some things collecting dust on your shelf, and some things you’ve never used before will become your best friends. Here are 10 things you will definitely want to have in your dorm: